EV Tenn

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Adoption of EV not a sprint, but a marathon

Embarking on India’s transformative journey towards electric mobility is akin to heeding an ancient African proverb: “If you have to go fast, go alone; if you have to go far, go together.” This odyssey, aimed at achieving a carbon-neutral future, extends beyond a mere sprint—it’s a marathon. It necessitates a harmonious collaboration among businesses, policymakers, consumers, and society at large. The initial strides have been taken with the introduction of enticing and technologically advanced electric vehicles (EVs), but the real challenge lies in building a resilient and enduring EV ecosystem.

Here are key insights into India’s electric mobility transition:

1. Charging Infrastructure Prowess:

  • Establishment of a high-power public charging infrastructure is paramount.
  • The focus should be on ultra-fast chargers to cater to the demands of high-capacity batteries.
  • India has seen encouraging progress with over 12,000 EV charging stations, but there’s an urgency to scale up, ensuring rapid availability of charging points.

2. Local Manufacturing and Entry Price Barrier:

  • Local manufacturing of EVs is crucial to break down the entry price barrier.
  • Policy-making must continue to incentivize consumers, with suggestions to maintain a 5% GST on EVs until the end of the decade.

3. Consumer Education Initiatives:

  • Dispelling myths and highlighting the advantages of EVs is essential.
  • OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) play a pivotal role not only in introducing new products but also in investing resources in consumer education initiatives.

4. Sustaining Government Commitments:

  • Governments across states should sustain their commitments towards EV adoption.
  • Tax breaks and incentives are crucial elements in attracting consumers to embrace electric mobility.

5. Industry-Academic Partnerships:

  • OEMs are fostering partnerships with academic institutions to create a pool of highly competent and ‘future-ready’ EV professionals.
  • Initiatives like Mercedes-Benz’s ADAM (Advanced Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics) course contribute to building a skilled workforce.

6. Circular Sustainable Cycle:

  • A holistic approach to the entire value chain, including product development, supplier networks, and recycling, is imperative.
  • Mercedes-Benz, for instance, evaluates its entire value chain to contribute to a circular sustainable cycle.

7. Pushing for Latest Technology:

  • Consumers, as key stakeholders, play a crucial role in pushing the industry to introduce the latest technology in Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs).

In conclusion, this expedition towards a sustainable and carbon-neutral future demands continuous innovation, lasting endurance, strategic patience, and mutual encouragement. Visitors to the realm of electric mobility in India are invited to explore not just the technological marvels of EVs but also the collaborative efforts shaping an eco-conscious future. Discover the intricate dance between policy-making, industry initiatives, and consumer advocacy that propels the nation towards cleaner and greener mobility solutions.

To delve deeper into the world of electric cars in India, check out evtenn for comprehensive details on specifications, reviews, and the latest offerings in the Indian electric vehicle market. Join us on this exhilarating journey towards a sustainable tomorrow!


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